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Newsgroups: comp.std.c
Path: blackbush.xlink.net!slsv6bt!slsv6bt!kanze
From: kanze@lts.sel.alcatel.de (James Kanze US/ESC 60/3/141 #40763)
Subject: Re: ... char * * promotion to char const * const * ...
In-Reply-To: mklenk@updike.sri.com's message of 16 Jan 1996 16:20:42 GMT
Message-ID: <KANZE.96Jan17121659@slsvewt.lts.sel.alcatel.de>
Sender: news@lts.sel.alcatel.de
Organization: SEL
References: <4dgj8q$qin@unix.sri.com>
Date: 17 Jan 1996 11:16:57 GMT
In article <4dgj8q$qin@unix.sri.com> mklenk@updike.sri.com (Mark
Klenk) writes:
|> My question is this:
|> Why does a char * * not naturally promote to a
|> char const * const *?
Because the C standard forbids it.
|> The following is legal and generates no compiler
|> warning:
|> char const * foo;
|> char * bar;
|> foo = bar;
|> // bar = foo; // Not allowed without cast.
|> But why not this:
|> char const * const * foo_array;
|> char * * bar_array;
|> foo_array = bar_array;
|> On every compiler I've tried, I get a warning about this,
|> something like "assignment from incompatible pointer type."
As I understand it:
Originally, the C standard was going to allow this; in fact, it was
going to allow all casts which added const anywhere in the type. Then
someone pointed out that the conversion 'char ** -> char *const *' was
unsafe. As a result, the wording was changed to only allow adding the
const at the top level.
During the C++ standardization efforts (much later), Andy Koenig
pointed out that this rule in fact excluded a number of safe casts as
well, and proposed changing it for C++. A new rule was formulated,
and one of the committee members actually did a mathematical proof
that it allowed all safe casts, and excluded all unsafe ones. (If
memory serves me right, the rule is not the same for const and for
Since the C standardization committee is currently considering a new
version of the standard, perhaps they will also consider adapting the
C++ rules for this case. (Since it results in a loosening of the
restrictions, no conforming program can be affected.)
James Kanze Tel.: (+33) 88 14 49 00 email: kanze@gabi-soft.fr
GABI Software, Sarl., 8 rue des Francs-Bourgeois, F-67000 Strasbourg, France
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